Hello I am getting a difficulty using your site, I am given 500 errors pretty regularly, I am not too clear why however when I refresh the web page it returns fine.
Can I have a suggestion? There’s no doubt that you’ve had sth great over here. But suppose you also provided some links towards a page which backs up what you were saying? Or perhaps you might provide us with more information to check out, whatever would connect what you were talking about, something more concrete?
Hey there I’m having a technical obstacle browsing your site, I’m getting 500 messages pretty regularly, I’m not very certain why but when I refresh the webpage it comes okay.
12月 30th, 2010 at 15:11:33
Hello I am getting a difficulty using your site, I am given 500 errors pretty regularly, I am not too clear why however when I refresh the web page it returns fine.
12月 31st, 2010 at 12:08:27
Can I have a suggestion? There’s no doubt that you’ve had sth great over here. But suppose you also provided some links towards a page which backs up what you were saying? Or perhaps you might provide us with more information to check out, whatever would connect what you were talking about, something more concrete?
1月 1st, 2011 at 21:33:45
Hey there I’m having a technical obstacle browsing your site, I’m getting 500 messages pretty regularly, I’m not very certain why but when I refresh the webpage it comes okay.