Hi there I’m keeping getting a technical obstacle browsing your blog, I’m receiving 502 messages fairly often, I am not far too certain as to why however if I refresh the web page it comes fine.
Can I make a word of advice? I do think you’ve had something great over here. But let’s suppose you offered a couple references to a website which supports what youre you mentioned? Or maybe you can give us something to look at, something that would certainly connect what you’re talking about, something more tangible?
Hey there I’m getting a problems with visiting your blog, I’m receiving 505 pages very regularly, I am not too clear as to why but when I reload the web page it comes okay.
12月 30th, 2010 at 15:28:07
Hi there I’m keeping getting a technical obstacle browsing your blog, I’m receiving 502 messages fairly often, I am not far too certain as to why however if I refresh the web page it comes fine.
12月 31st, 2010 at 22:07:07
Can I make a word of advice? I do think you’ve had something great over here. But let’s suppose you offered a couple references to a website which supports what youre you mentioned? Or maybe you can give us something to look at, something that would certainly connect what you’re talking about, something more tangible?
1月 2nd, 2011 at 4:40:46
Hey there I’m getting a problems with visiting your blog, I’m receiving 505 pages very regularly, I am not too clear as to why but when I reload the web page it comes okay.